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Saturday, May 11, 2013

Orangeberry Book of the Day - Adele Park – Book Marketing on a Shoestring Budget

Book Marketing on a Shoestring Budget

by Adele Park

You’ve written a book, now what?  Even if you’re lucky enough to have a publisher, the onerous of marketing still rests on your shoulders.  Fortunately, you don’t have to launch expensive media campaign to get the word out about your book.  The internet is loaded with low cost or free programs designed to help writers connect with potential readers.

Many of today’s business gurus advocate blogging as a means of keeping readers engaged and interested in their work.  Blogs are a great way to “tie in” to news events relevant to the subject of your book.  Readers can easily give feedback to your posts which can start a conversation or lively debate.  Better still, blogs are a simple way to update or refresh the pitch for your book.  Here are a couple of free blog programs to try:  Blogger www.blogger.com and WordPress www.wordpress.com.

Word of mouth continues to be one of the best ways to spread a message.  New radio stations are appearing on the internet every day.  Many of the personalities on these stations are interested in writers, especially those who offer books in a genre compatible with their format.  One of the easiest ways to find out which stations are looking for guests is through Radio Guest List.com www.radioguestlist.com.  Writers can even start their own radio station for free by using BlogTalkRadio www.blogtalkradio.com.

If you would like to add video or links to your audio, this can easily be accommodated through  podcasting.  You can launch your own program where writers and readers gather at a central location to exchange ideas.  As with internet radio, there are also a number of free podcasting sites including Podomatic www.podomatic.com.

Don’t forget:  video is a very effective way to promote your book.  In the past, if writers wanted to give readers a visual on their story, they faced expensive production costs combined with pricy TV ad rates.  Now, practically everyone has access to a video camera so you can shoot your own promo and air it for free on sites like these: YouTube www.youtube.com and Daily Motion www.dailymotion.com

Does your book addresses an issue that is currently being discussed in the news or trending on social media?  If so, pitch your angle through a press release.  Tailor your release to match the interests of specific readers and increase the chance of media outlets picking up on it.  Here are some free services to check out: Free Press Release.com www.free-press-release.com and Newswire Today.com www.newswiretoday.com.

Another way to attract national attention is to enter book contests.  Even if your work isn’t selected as a winner, at least you will gain some exposure from experts in the book industry.  Try the National Book Foundation for novels www.nationalbook.org or the Audie Awards from the Audio Publishers Association for audio books www.audiopub.org.

Don’t forget to cross promote your internet marketing efforts.  Use social media such as Facebook, Twitter and Linked In to draw attention to blog posts, internet radio interviews, and upcoming podcasts.  Covering all the bases available on the internet will increase your visibility and help you to make contact with readers all over the world!

YouTube:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PPotQyyPsuo&feature=g-upl


Buy Now @ Audible

Genre – Comedy / Satire

Rating – R (language & theme)

More details about the book

Connect with Adele Park on Facebook

Blog http://adeleparkquirkyaudiobooks.blogspot.com/

Website http://www.yikesaudiobook.com/


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