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Friday, January 17, 2014

Robert Breeze's #Book Tour Interview @robertbreeze

Tell us a bit about your family. Mum, Dad and dog Winston live in Hereford, a small town near Wales. Brother James lives in London and I pop over to see him when I need a good roast dinner.
How do you work through self-doubts and fear? It’s a torturous process and one I’ve not found a solution to, other than working on something else/crying.
What scares you the most? I have recurring nightmares about ships and being back in an exam situation.
What makes you happiest? Writing with my dog at my feet.
What makes you angry? Injustice/cruelty to animals.
What’s your greatest character strength? Work ethic.
What’s your weakest character trait? Obsessive about planning.
If you could do any job in the world what would you do? A lorry driver appealed when younger. Now I think being a vet or a teacher would be incredibly rewarding.
Are you a city slicker or a country lover? A mixture of both just weighted in favour of the good old countryside.
Why do you write? Sounds vomit inducing but it’s just become my main passion.
What writing are you most proud of? I guess publicly I have to say The Chronicles Of Hope series (www.thechroniclesofhope.com) which I’m writing now. Secretly it’s probably a little known offensive book I’ve written that’s like an offensive critique on modern society. 
Who is your publisher? Palace Park Press, a subsidiary of Acorn independent publishing. A great brother and sister team at an award winning publishers. They offer great flexibility with regard publishing options and level of interaction required.
What book should everybody read at least once? The Bible. It’s a great science fiction novel but the more we evolve as a species and the more it’s read, the more people will become conscious of the fact that it’s nonsense and that the main charac­ter is a jealous, vindictive, misogynistic, homophobic, racist, genocidal bully.
Do you plan to publish more books? Yes, The Chronicles Of Hope series is likely to consist of 5 books, spanning the years 2082 – 2086.
What else do you do to make money, other than write? It is rare today for writers to be full time I work full time in local government so have to write around that (sometimes I can’t resist and cheekily fit some in at work)
What other jobs have you had in your life? I think I’ve had 22 jobs at last count, 20 of which were pretty horrendous. Working in a chicken factory was particularly galling. 
If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be? The UK. As much as I think patriotism ridiculous the weather and people in the UK have character and soul. I think we understand better than anywhere else in the world that having a sense of humour is key to fighting adversity.
Every writer has their own idea of what a successful career in writing is, what does success in writing look like to you? Much the same as success in life, merely as long as you’re happy.
What do you hope people will take away from your writing? The intent of the books is merely to make people think and question everything a little more, I think that would have such a positive effect on society.

Frank Noon divides opinion. Whilst some say he’s a philosophical genius, some say he’s a fanciful dreamer who deliberately courts controversy with his anti-establishment views about the failings of modern society.
Seemingly nearing the end of his life in politics, he reluctantly fronts an experimental inter-galactic government project late in the 21st century aimed at making life on an overpopulated Earth more sustainable. As he battles to gain control of a relative asylum, consisting of a cross section of the populous as much at odds with themselves as the situation, he unwittingly embarks on a life-changing journey of self discovery.
As they learn more about the project and its intentions how far-reaching might the consequences be for the future of humanity?
Buy Now @ Amazon
Genre - Political Fiction
Rating – PG
More details about the author
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