*Do you have any tips on how writers can relax?
Yoga. It works wonders.
*How often do you write? And when do you write?
Every day. I usually write in the morning before anything has had a chance to effect me. I won’t check my email or go online until I’ve written for at least two hours.
*Sometimes it’s so hard to keep at it – What keeps you going?
The fact that I’m entertaining and helping others.
*Have you met any people in the industry who have really helped you?
Oh yes. I have to give a shout to my editor/publisher Karen Hodges Miller and Sherrie Wilkolaski. Karen gave me shot at becoming an author. Sherrie has been a cheerleader for my brand and me since we met. I wouldn’t be where I am without them.
*What’s your favorite meal?
Tortellini Alfredo or really any kind of Italian food. Since leaving the East Coast, it’s what I miss the most aside from my friends.
*What movie do you love to watch?
The Big Lebowski.
*How do you feel about social media websites such as Facebook and Twitter? Are they a good thing?
They’re awesome. They make it possible for indie authors to find their voice. I’ve had conversations with writers from all over the world. That wouldn’t be possible without social media.
*If you could do any job in the world what would you do?
*What makes you angry?
Internet trolls. It would be so depressing if my mission in life were to ruin someone’s day.
*What’s your most embarrassing moment of your life?
When I was in college, I accidently flashed a bunch of people, including some of my male cousins, at an amusement park. A huge wave of water hit me, which forced my bikini top to betray me.
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Genre – Non-fiction
Rating – PG
More details about the author
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