What is your favorite quote, by whom, and why? Suppose you were and idiot. And suppose you were a member of congress. But then I repeat myself…Mark twain
What are you most proud of accomplishing so far in your life? Accepting a contract from a traditional publisher.
What is your favorite color? REaD
What is your favorite food? Fried okra.
What’s your favorite place in the entire world? Where I’m located at the moment the question is asked!
How has your upbringing influenced your writing? It taught me to be honest with myself and others.
Do you intend to make writing a career? Yes
Have you developed a specific writing style? Yes
What is your greatest strength as a writer? Continuity.
How did you come up with the title? The title to this book has been all over the board. I would say it has had at least ten titles…which never presented the book in the best light. ‘Frank Hawthorn is…Blindsided tells it all. Actually there is more than one person Blindsided in this novel. It speaks of love, betrayal, and simple information in each person who is Blindsided.
Can you tell us about your main character? Frank Hawthorn
Frank is in his late forties and has worked hard most of his life.
He was born in Memphis Tennessee to an older father and mother. His father was a policeman who met his maker early on in life, his mother a housewife who struggled to send him on to school. Frank loved them both, greatly admired his father and wanted to be a policeman from early on.
He finished high school and enlisted in the army. Just before he left he and his girl friend were considering marriage. They were in the bank setting up a fund they would both contribute too for the cost of the wedding and she was shot by bank robbers. He had always loved pretty girls, his mother was one. He went on to the army for a four year stint. He was regularly promoted until he was released a Staff SSgt, with three rockers up and three down. He was known as a fair man to work for and his MOS was M.P. Officer of the Day. With his history in the M.P.’s he was hired by the Memphis Police Force and sent to the Police Academy for his formal training. He graduated at the top of his class.
Frank was not really tall, only five feet ten in his stocking feet. He was tall inside however. He would stand up to anything that didn’t eat him first. Not a really pretty man, he had that rugged look, one that most women liked however. His weight was a lean one hundred eighty pounds, give or take a few Italian dinners. He kept a clean physic even though he didn’t work out as some officers of the court did. His hair was normal, sort of sandy, or brown, he never wore it long, unless he forgot to get a haircut. Bathing was a natural. He bathed when he naturally needed to. He could sleep standing up, but he liked lying in a good bed better. He hadn’t started wearing glasses yet; his arms were still long enough to get the work out in front of him enough to see it properly. He did take a multiple vitamin every day he could remember to. His eating habits were not frequent enough to satisfy his bodily needs yet.
He was loyal to a fault. If he liked a person he would help or follow them to the ends of the earth. If he had it, they needed it, it was theirs. If he was taking a trip with somebody else, he paid his share. If he could work it out, he would take a free lunch anytime. Likewise, he could be convinced to buy someone else’s in a pinch. It was all in the principle of the thing. He loved to win.
Frank never hired anyone to work with him at his first office. The reason, he wasn’t sure of enough work to keep a body employed. He didn’t want to hire someone and then three months later when they didn’t have a chance to be hired someplace else tell them there was no more work. After several years he had so much work as a detective, he had to have help, someone at the office all the time and others to do the leg work necessary to keep up with the clients who were pounding on his door. He particularly liked to hire retired police officers with the right back ground, and dedicated law students if they were available.
How did you develop your plot and characters? Pick a person, develop them to suit the character needed in the story and adapt every living thing as the way that character would handle the situation if it occurred.
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Genre - Crime Mystery
Rating – PG
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