What do you consider the most challenging about writing a novel, or about writing in general? Easy. Sticking at it.
Do you intend to make writing a career? Oh, if only.
Have you developed a specific writing style? Absolutely. To me, that’s what ‘voice’ is – a composite of a number of things, such as choice of syntax, content, theme, risks taken …
What is your greatest strength as a writer? My unpredictability. In my writing and in my plot. I hope so anyway.
Have you ever had writer’s block? If so, what do you do about it? Nah. I’ve never had it because I don’t believe in it. Complete rubbish. Thank about it, what does that mean, writer’s block? I may not always be able to write what I want to write, or to the standard I am striving for, but I NEVER have not been able to write something. If anyone tells you they have writer’s block, just tell them you know the answer. All they have to do is sit down and start writing again.
Can you share a little of your current work with us? Do you mean my latest published book? It’s called MonuMental: The Hack’s Back and I absolutely loved writing it. I strove to make it as full of thrills, humor and thought-provoking ideas as I could. It features a number of the same characters and the world as described in EleMental: A First-person Shooter. But while I am still exploring a futuristic form of video gaming, this time instead of looking at addiction I am examining identity. The tagline, I think, says it all: ‘Do I exist or am I just a video game character? … In the future, things can get confusing.’
If interested, the book is available at Amazon here: http://www.amazon.com/MonuMental-The-Hacks-Back-ebook/dp/B00BK5ZOFA
Whether you buy it or not, I’d love you to check out the fabulous dragonbot on the cover!
Who designed the cover? Apart from the cover of my short story ebook (MotherCraft) which is based on a picture by my son, all of the artwork for my paperback and my two ebooks is by Aaron Pocock. I feel very lucky that he agreed when I approached him. His artwork is truly amazing.
Of all the art he has created based on my story ideas, I think he most enjoyed depicting the dragonbot from MonuMental (dragonbot, you ask? yep, half dragon, half robot). Totally off his own bat, he produced a YouTube video of himself drawing the dragonbot: http://stevenoconnorwriting.com/creating-a-monumental-dragonbot-2/
And I also sincerely recommend you check out his website and fabulous artwork, you won’t regret it. His site is called That Space Between and you can access it here: http://aaronpocock.wordpress.com/category/aaron-pocock/
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Genre – Young Adult / Science Fiction
Rating –PG
More details about the author
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Website http://stevenoconnorwriting.com/
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