Dreaming in the Pages

Books ... where dreams are better than reality

Broken Pieces

Jack Canon's American Destiny

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Author Interview – Marie Maiden

You tell in the book that, your child was born with some health problems.  What types of health problems does he have?

Yes, my child is a boy and he was born with handicaps.  He is a special needs child.

You wrote about being a teenaged mother of a handicapped child and the issues you faced raising your child.  How difficult was it being a child yourself and raising a child with special needs?

Being a teen-Mom of a handicapped child was the most difficult experience of my life. It took some time for me to accept teen-motherhood.  The fact that my child was handicapped and would always need care was an extra level of hardship that I had to overcome.

The focus of your book is your father and your desire to meet your father, a man whom you had never met.  Did you ever meet your father?

Yes, I did.  This is where it gets interesting.  There is a mystery surrounding where I found my father and the condition he was in when I found him.  Please get the book to read all about how I finally found him, it’s a thriller.

As you explain in your book, there were broken pieces and missing parts from your life.  Were you able to find what was missing from your life?

Yes, I did.  I found the plantation where my dead ancestors lived as slaves, brothers and a sister whom I didn’t know existed before I found my living father.  And most importantly, I found the answer to the most important question ever asked of me, which was where is your Father.  I can answer that question now.

You tell in the book that, your child was born with some health problems.  Where you ever told how your child’s condition occurred?

No, I was never told how it occurred but as I share in the book I didn’t receive prenatal care until I was several months pregnant. Readers can learn more about this when they read the book.

You Cannot Find Peace

Buy Now @ Amazon

Genre - Christian/ Historical/Inspirational

Rating – G

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