Can you tell us about your main character? I adore Kate, she’s my main character. She’s strong, she knows what she wants and she’s not afraid to tell it like it is. She’s also really dedicated to her authors which is so important in this line of work and she loves publishing. Despite the fact that the industry seems to be crumbling down around her, she loves it.
How did you develop your plot and characters? Well Kate is sort of a person I’d like to be. Ha! Isn’t that always the way? She really knows what she wants so Kate, in my view is the perfect publicist. Mac really existed, so that was easy but Nick did not – at least not yet. Many of the folks in the book are based on real people I’ve either met or worked with. The story however sort of happened. I really didn’t know where I was going with it till I was halfway through it. When I wrote this initially, I had a totally different book in mind Candidly I like this one better,
Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp? Please be kind to your publicist or marketing person
How much of the book is realistic? It’s all very realistic. Ninety-five percent of what happens in the book actually happened to me while working at my job.
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Genre – Contemporary Romance
Rating – R
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