Where do you get your inspiration from? Anything in life can serve as an inspiration: from the smallest facial expression, to an overheard conversation, to a remembered smell.
What is hardest – getting published, writing or marketing? The marketing and publishing are actually harder and more time-intensive than the writing process. If I had to choose something about the writing process, it’s always finding or making the time to write, but you have to make it a priority if you’re serious.
What marketing works for you? Unfortunately, there’s no magic marketing bullet. What I’ve found is that the more people know about your book, the better your reach because the word of mouth syndrome starts to occur. So, however many different ways and times you can get your name in front of readers, the better.
Do you find it hard to share your work? No, I send my writing to people all the time. I’m constantly asking for feedback from readers to see what characters and scenes they liked and hated, and why. Every reaction helps you grow as a writer.
Is your family supportive? Do your friends support you? 100% yes! My family shares our valuable time together so that I can attend writers’ group meetings, book festivals, and conferences. My mother had a hand in selling a large chunk of my first week’s sales. And my friends have purchased, read, and generated a large word of mouth following.
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Genre – New Adult, Contemporary
Rating – R
More details about the author
Website http://krraye.com/events.html
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