Do you find it hard to share your work?
Not at all. Comments and suggestions from early reviewers can help heal problem areas in your story. It is rewarding to find others who appreciate your thoughts and ideas. If they can develop and extend them, then all the better.
If you could study any subject at university what would you pick?
I have a self-study program that is a hold-over from my days at MIT. I still enjoy advanced math, physics and engineering subjects and I constantly visit Amazon for the latest additions.
If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?
I lived in Hawaii for several years when I was young. Why I’m not there now is a question I am constantly asking myself.
Where do you get support from? Do you have friends in the industry?
I have friends who are writers who offer criticism and suggestions. I have learned to listen and value their comments.
When you are not writing, how do you like to relax?
I am a voracious reader. I read several books a weeks in a wide variety of fiction and nonfiction subjects. I also do word (or math) puzzles and manage to program Android apps.
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Genre – Science Fiction
Rating – G
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