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Thursday, September 26, 2013

Author Interview – Vadim Babenko

What do you consider the most challenging about writing a novel, or about writing in general? In my opinion, the most difficult part of writing any novel is maintaining the required level of energy and concentration for the several years it takes to complete it.

Did writing this book teach you anything and what was it? Of course, you learn while you write – systemizing all the thoughts you had before, going deeper into understanding the true nature of your ideas, your protagonists, their motivations, etc.

Maybe, sometimes, writing a book gives you a more authentic real life experience than real life itself.

Do you intend to make writing a career? As it’s written on one of my website pages, “writing for me is not a career, not a means to celebrity. It’s truly the essence of my being, the core of my existence.” And that’s true.

At the same time, I’m a full-time writer – I’m not seriously involved in anything else. I don’t know if this makes my writing a “career” or not.

What is your greatest strength as a writer? I’m able to concentrate on one idea for a long time, and I’m always willing to endlessly edit my texts. I consider a literary text to be finished only when it resists any further improvement. Yet I know that perfection is unachievable. :)

Have you ever had writer’s block? If so, what do you do about it? Sometimes I feel exhausted, lacking energy and motivation. I take that very seriously and fight this condition furiously. Usually I try to cure it by changing something in my life – although life tends to fight back with equal fury.

Can you share a little of your current work with us? My latest novel, SEMMANT, tells the story of a cybernetics genius who creates an artificial mind that has consciousness and free will. It takes the reader on a profound journey through the intersections of lust and affection, precise mathematical rules, and the elusive nature of love. Together, the characters find themselves in extreme circumstances facing a genuine human drama and the cruelty of real life.

Who designed the cover? Damonza.com

A Simple Soul

His crafty plan results in a deadly threat. Her hopes keep her locked in a vicious circle. They parted ways, supposedly forever. But will they be able to live apart?

Elizaveta, an attractive Muscovite, experiences a series of odd events: she is followed; she receives anonymous calls, flowers, and gifts. The culprit is her former lover, Timofey. He now lives far from Moscow and has a flourishing business, but a serious threat emerges when the daughter of a local mafia boss wants to marry him. Timofey knows his life is at risk if he says no. He creates a cunning scheme to save himself by staging a sham marriage with Elizaveta playing a primary role. Masterfully manipulating her feelings, Timofey persuades her to come visit him in his small town, but things soon take a dramatic turn.

A seemingly romantic journey becomes a struggle for survival. Timofey and Elizaveta confront real danger when they least expect it. Love and deception reveal their essence when the best of intentions come into conflict with each other. The protagonists try hard to achieve their goals, but, in the end, each of them finds something much different instead. Illusion, ultimately, proves stronger than reality. And coincidences are often not so random after all.

Buy Now @ Amazon & Amazon UK

Genre – Literary Fiction

Rating – PG13

More details about the author

Website http://www.vadimbabenko.com/


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