Dreaming in the Pages

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Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Author Interview – Lucas Heath

Tell us a bit about your family. I love my family, though I don’t get a chance to see them often. I’m an only child and both my parents are still together. My mom’s side of the family lives on the west coast while my dad’s side lives on the east coast. I haven’t seen my dad’s side of the family in over five years, but I’ll get to see them this summer!

How do you work through self-doubts and fear? I have friends and family who encourage me. Most of the time, I try and stay away from negativity and only speak positive things. Words have power. The more you speak something negative over yourself, the more you begin to believe it.

What scares you the most? I don’t have any noticeable fears. I don’t like being in small spaces because I’m somewhat claustrophobic, though I wouldn’t say it’s a fear. It’s just something that makes me uncomfortable.

What makes you happiest? This will sound weird to some, but what makes me happiest is when I get a chance to change the lives of others. I love spending time with people and showing them how much value they have.

I think the second thing that makes me the happiest is when I suddenly get the inspiration to write and I get lost in my own world as the story unfolds.

What’s your greatest character strength? I move mountains to follow through with what I say I’ll do. My word is very important to me. If I say I’m going to do something, I’ll try my best to do it.

What’s your weakest character trait? I’m a perfectionist. It’s rare that I’m pleased with the work that I do, no matter what it is. If I write something, or I’m working on a project, I’m never satisfied until it’s perfect. The problem is that it’s hard to make something perfect, which means I spend more time on a task than I should.


How far would you go to save yourself? Would you compromise your religion, morals, or integrity to avoid death?

Twenty-seven people wake up to discover they are imprisoned in isolation cubes. They are forced to endure multiple trials in an experiment designed to test the limits of human nature.

In each cube is a pistol. During any test an individual can use the gun to end the torment and take their own life. In doing so, they believe the test would immediately end for everyone and potentially save the lives of others.

Would you lay down your life to save another? Would you pass the tests?

It’s the ultimate trial for human nature and the will to stay alive.

Would you survive the experiment?

This story is a novella, at around 100 pages, or 26000 words.

Buy Now @ Amazon

Genre –  Thriller / SciFi

Rating – PG13

More details about the author

Connect with Lucas Heath on Facebook  & Twitter

Website http://lucasheathbooks.com/


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