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Broken Pieces

Jack Canon's American Destiny

Monday, April 22, 2013

Orangeberry Book Tours - May Specials & Ongoing GIveaways

All special offers are valid on a first come first serve basis until Friday, 31st May 2013.


ALL 5 (FIVE) of the Orangeberry packages listed below for only $55 (Usual price is $140.00)


1. ORANGEBERRY SOCIAL BUTTERFLY is a mini book tour (7 days). It consists of 5 blog stops, 1 Twitter View and 1 Twitter Blast. (Usual price is $30.00)


2. ORANGEBERRY SPREAD ME sees to it that you and your book receive long-term exposure on the web with 5 blog stops in 5 weeks. (Usual price is $30.00)


3. ORANGEBERRY BOOK OF THE DAY is a sweet tool if you want your book to appear on the same day on at least 50 different blogs. (Usual price is $49.99)


4. ORANGEBERRY BOOKSTORE will showcase your book for a whole year amongst book lovers and book club members. You can view the entire bookstore HERE. (Usual price is $29.99)


5. ORANGEBERRY BOOK EXPO will be held in August 2013. Your book cover will be included for the entire duration of the expo. More details about the expo can be found HERE(Usual price is $9.99)


Payment is exclusively via PayPal.

1.Upon sign-up you will receive a starter kit with more details about your guest posts and interview questions.

2. Please sign up HERE

More questions? Email us at info AT orangeberrybooktours DOT com

The ORANGEBERRY BOOKSTORE  is open to all authors, books and genres.

What will you receive? This site receives approximately 5,000 views a month so your book will be placed within reach of book lovers, bloggers and other authors.

What does it look like? All books are listed HERE.

What will it cost you? It costs $29.99 for a whole year. Yes, that's $2.50 a month.

Payment is exclusively via PayPal.

1. Please also send us your book cover  (in jpeg or png). Type email subject as "OrangeberryBookstore".

2. Please sign up HERE

More questions? Email us at info AT orangeberrybooktours DOT com

Next available date - after 25th April 2013


(All proceeds will go towards the Orangeberry Goodie Bag, advertising & site maintenance)


ORANGEBERRY FREE ALERT PREMIUM will assist you to get the word out about your free book promotion via a Twitter campaign, book blast and social media networking. This is currently available for Amazon and Smashwords only.


How will you benefit? This site receives approximately 5,000 views a month and there are more than 13,000 fans on our Facebook page PLUS your free alert will be posted to at least 30 different blogs. Your book will be placed within reach of book lovers, bloggers and other authors.

What will it cost you? It costs $29.99 per book for two days. That's $15.00 a day.

Payment is via PayPal. Use button below or "SendPayment" to info AT orangeberrybooktours DOT com

1. You will receive a total of 10 Tweets (5 Tweets a day) AND a book excerpt or description on at least 30 different blogs.

2. Please ensure your book is already free when you are signing up for this. i.e. You have already created your free promo on your KDP dashboard or your book is set to free on Smashwords.

3.  Please also email us your book cover  (in jpeg or png), release date, Amazon / Smashwords link and book blurb.

4. Sign up HERE.


***PLEASE NOTE - due to the volume of free alerts and tweets we send out in a day, we will NOT notify you once your free alert is alive. You can check our Facebook page at 2000 hours GMT or check your mentions on Twitter.


Next available date - within 48 hours.

(All proceeds will go towards the Orangeberry Goodie Bag, advertising & site maintenance)

Ongoing Giveaways

(click ON image)


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